Birmingham Community Support Workshops








Find the support you need

Whoever you are, whatever you're struggling with and no matter how bad it might seem, Menkind is here to offer a safe and judgement-free space where you can talk openly and honestly about what's on your mind.

Simply speaking to somebody about whatever is troubling you can help, but Menkind go beyond just listening. Our network of supporting charities, volunteers, and full-time staff means that we connect you with the support you need through our Birmingham community support workshops.

24 Hour Support – We are here when you need to talk

Contact us today at or call or WhatsApp us on 08009991139.





 What can our Birmingham community charity help with?

Domestic Abuse 

A safe and anonymous space to talk and connect you to resources if you feel unsafe at home.

Mental Health Support 

Our in-house specialists can work with you on-one-one to provide both a listening ear and dedicated support plan.


If you are facing homelessness, we can connect you with supported living options and other resources to help find safe and stable housing.


Trauma Support 

Here to listen and help you navigate your next steps to support your healing journey.


A supportive and judgement-free zone to address any concern or behaviour you know you're struggling with.

Families and Relationships 

Facing family conflict? We can help navigate communication and find amicable solutions.








Help and support is just a phone call away

If you or someone you know is in need of support, Menkind offers a straightforward self-referral process. You can reach out to us directly, and we will provide a confidential and supportive environment to discuss your needs.

Whether you are dealing with minor issues like smoking or more substantial problems like abuse, our team is here to help. We believe in empowering individuals to take the first step towards improving their lives, and our services, including our Birmingham Community Support Workshops, are designed to be accessible and non-judgmental.

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A group of four friends happily hiking up a rocky trail, surrounded by greenery and natural scenery, enjoying outdoor adventure together.




A smiling man in a beige sweater talks to a young man seated in an office setting, fostering discussion and support.



Support beyond languages

Birmingham is a city brimming with cultural richness. That's why Menkind have a team of staff who speak a variety of languages commonly used within our community, including:






And many more!

If your preferred language isn't listed here, don't hesitate to contact us. We'll do our best to find a translator or interpreter to ensure clear communication and a comfortable experience while accessing our services.








Helping the community by helping individuals

We are dedicated to promoting and enhancing the quality of life for men and young boys struggling with mental health issues, self-esteem, confidence, and overall wellbeing.

Like our name probably gives away, Menkind's roots as a Birmingham community charity started with what we saw as a lack of support services for men.

As we've continued to listen to men and connect them with the help they need, we've come to see the men's mental health crisis as a symptom of a larger problem with community cohesion. Through our efforts, we empower individuals and, in turn, the communities they are a part of. When we help the community at large, we support the individuals that make it up.







Looking to get involved? Here's how you can help

We offer a range of programmes and services that aim to empower individuals and communities. From mentorship programmes to community outreach initiatives, our programmes are designed to make a lasting impact.






Three friends enjoying a fun moment together, sharing laughter and smiles, with one person holding a drink. The image captures a vibrant atmosphere of friendship and joy.



Breaking the cycle of antisocial behaviour with youth work

One common concern we hear at our meetings is antisocial behaviour throughout Birmingham – and Menkind are dedicated to tackling this issue before it can start.

Unchecked antisocial behaviour in childhood and teenagerhood will eventually develop into more serious behaviour later in life. With this in mind, our philosophy is simple: by investing in young people, we invest in the future of our community.

By intervening early, we aim to

  • Empower young men, particularly those who might lack positive role models and support systems earlier in life.
  • Provide positive outlets through engaging activities and mentorship problems that foster positive development
  • Break the cycle by addressing the underlying issues that lead to antisocial behaviour.





The Menkind Vision

An Empowered Community

A strong sense of community bonds is the bedrock of a thriving society. We tackle social injustices and advocate for policies that promote equality.


An Engaged Community

Birmingham is a vibrant tapestry of different cultures and backgrounds, and we want to see them brought together. That's why we foster dialogue between subcommunities whenever we can, breaking down distrust and replacing this with collaboration and respect.

A United Community

The best change comes through collective action. We offer opportunities for people to come together, whether it's volunteering for a local park cleanup or participating in a community event.