Refer yourself for Support






Accessible support

If you or someone you know is in need of support, Menkind offers a straightforward self-referral process. You can reach out to us directly, and we will provide a confidential and supportive environment to discuss your needs.

Whether you are dealing with minor issues like smoking or more substantial problems like abuse, our team is here to help. We believe in empowering individuals to take the first step towards improving their lives, and our services are designed to be accessible and non-judgemental.

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Our range of self-referral services

We offer a comprehensive range of services designed to support and empower individuals and communities. Our services include:

Mental Health Support

Our in-house mental health specialists, including doctors and consultants, provide personalised 1:1 sessions to discuss issues and create tailored action plans. These plans may involve focus groups, workshops, or referrals to NHS services.

Trauma Support

We offer intermediary support for individuals struggling with PTSD and other trauma-related issues. Our approach is to build rapport and provide continuous support, ensuring individuals feel comfortable returning for further assistance.

Domestic Abuse Support

We provide resources and workshops for both victims and perpetrators of domestic abuse. Our services are offered anonymously and are designed to gently guide individuals towards seeking help.

Housing Assistance

We help individuals find supported living arrangements, especially in crisis situations where they might be at risk of homelessness.

Family and Relationship Support

We offer a safe space for men excluded from their families due to cultural sensitivities. Our aim is to find amicable resolutions and support the wellbeing of all family members involved.

Man with glasses speaking to psychologist who is writing down notes


Concerned woman looking away while listening to psychologist